供应节能灯和电子镇流器*电解电容 ★ 适用于节能灯和电子镇流器 Suited for energy - s*e lamp and electronic ballast ★ 耐高温105ºC,高温负荷寿命3000小时 High temperature 105ºC, Load life 3000 hours at 105 ºC ★ 耐高纹波电流 High ripple current ● 特性说明 Specifications 项目 Item 特性 Characteristics 使用温度范围Operating temperature range(ºC) -40~+105ºC -25~+105ºC 额定电压范围Rated voltage rang(V) 160~400VDC 450VDC 标称电容器允许偏差Capacitance tolerange ±20%或 or ±3010% 漏电流Leakage current (μA) 160~400V 450V C:标称容量 Norminal capacitance(μF); I≤0.02CV+10μA I≤0.03CV+10μA V: 额定电压 Rated voltage(V); 1分钟后读数 After 1 minute(at 20ºC) 损耗角正切值Dissipation factor(tan)(20ºC,120Hz) 额定电压 Rated voltage(V) 160 200 250 350 400 450 tan 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.20 低温特性 Low temperature characteristics*阻抗比 Max impedance ratio (at 120Hz) 额定电压 Rated voltage(V) 160 200 250 350 400 450 Z-25ºC/Z+25ºC 3 3 3 5 5 6 Z-40ºC/Z+25ºC 6 6 6 6 6 - 负荷寿命Load life (+105C) 在105ºC下连续施加峰值电压不超过额定电压的直流电压的直流基压和额定纹波电流3000小时后,电容器应符合下表要求。
After an application of D.C bias voltage and rated ripple current,the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated D.C voltage for 3000 hours at 105ºC, the capacitors shall meet the requirments be low listed. 容量变化 Capacitance chang ±20% 初始值测量值之内 Within ±20% of initial value 损耗角正切值 Dissipation factoe ≤200%初始规定值 Not more than 200% of the initial specified value 漏电流 Leakage current ≤初始规定值 Not more than the initial specified value 贮存寿命Shelf life(+105C) 电容器在无负荷、105ºC下贮存1000小时后,施加额定电压30分钟,于24至48小时内测试,其性能应满足以上负荷寿命试验规定的要求。
After le*ing capacitors under load at 105ºC for 1000 hours ,UR to applied for 30 minutes , 24to 48hours , they shall meet the specified value for load life characteristics listed above. 标签: 东莞市电解电容 东莞市电解电容厂家
广东 东莞市东莞市电解电容厂家