商品名 受阻胺类光稳定剂292 HALS 292 Product Name 化学名称 癸二酸双(1,2,2,6,6-五*-4-*)酯与1-(*)-8-(1,2,2,6,6-五*-4-*)癸二酸酯的混合物 Mixture of bis(1,2,2,6,6-pen*ethyl -4-piperdinyl)-sebacate and 1-(methyl )-8-(1,2,2,6,6-pen*ethyl-4- piperidinyl)-sebacate Chemical Name 化学结构图 Structure CAS No. 41556-26-7; 82919-37-7 CAS No. 理化性质 外观 淡黄色液体 Pale yellow liquid Appearance Properties 透光率 425nm:≥95% 500nm:≥98% Light Transmittance 纯度 ≥97% Purity 灰分 ≤0.1% Ash Content 水分 ≤0.15% Water Content 特点及用途 可有效防止涂层在日光曝晒下**裂和表面剥离,在汽车*涂料中效果更佳;与苯并*类紫外线吸收剂有良好协同效应,主要用于涂料,油墨,聚氨酯漆等 This substance significantly prevents paint layers from cracking and flaking ex*ed to sunlight, particularly in car paints; works well with benzotriazole UV absorbers, widely used in paints, inks, PU paints etc. Features and Application Area 注意事项 本品易吸潮,需密封、干燥、避光保存,使用前须测试 Avoid sunlight, moisture and high temperature. Testing required before use. Cautions 包装 18公斤铁塑桶 18kg iron plastic barrels; or otherwise customized Pack & Store 标签: 杭州市光稳定剂292 杭州市光稳定剂292厂家
浙江厂家供应光稳定剂292 高含量 防老化氧化延长寿命不变黄