RQLA 电脑控制多功热切制袋机 RQLA computer co*ol hot cutting and side sealing machine 用途 Usage 本机适用于:OPP、CPP、PP、PE、POF、PVC等各种印刷及非印刷可热合塑料薄膜材料;可以做平口袋,自粘袋,卡头袋,枕式袋,满足市场所需的服装袋、袜子袋、毛巾袋、妆品袋、文具袋、面包袋、电子元件袋、竹制品袋、水果袋等等塑料边封包装袋。
This machine is suitable for original or printed OPP, CPP, PP, PE, POF, PVC material, to make many designs of bag, such as flat bag, self-tape sealing bag, titled bag,and pillow bag to response the use for plastic package: clothes, socks, towel, cosmetics,stationery, bread, electric component, bamboo product, and fruit,etc.It is characterized of high speed running, tidy bags output, firm side sealing,and easy to operate. 特点Features 1、整机采用微机电脑控制、自动记数及设定任意技术报警,Available micro computer to co*ol the machine, able to set any number for automatic product counting and alarm 2、步进电机定长,任意设定出袋长度,定长精准,选配(伺服电机定长)with step motor for fixed-length traction, it is high precision (servo motor for optional) 3、光电眼印刷色标定长,丢标自动三个袋自动停机,Photoelectric checking sensor for printed material check, it stop automatically for losing three printing mark 4、平刀花刀双面两用,自动加热恒温Two-sides *ailable cutting and sealing knife for straight and die-cutting, the knife is self electric-heated and keep the fixed content temperature 5、气动同步冲孔,pneumatic punching hole synchronously 6、静电*Available Electrostatic rod for static eliminating 7、同步自动贴双面胶,self-tape synchronously, 技数参数Parameter 机器细节图Configuration Details: 样品袋Samples: 标签: 塑料热切 opp膜 自粘袋服 塑料热切制袋机机 opp膜热切制袋机 自粘袋服装袋快递袋热切制 温州市塑料热切制袋机机 温州市塑料热切制袋机机厂家
浙江 温州市[塑料热切制袋机机