Specialized for Straight Stainless Fittings with multi working station.2.特别适用于单卡压、双卡压、环压、焊接等不锈钢管件生产。
Particularly suitable for single compression, double compression ring compression and welding type pipe fittings.1.两端同时同步快速成型,效率是同类设备两倍以上。
Two ends forming at one time with high precision and speed, Twice efficiency than equivalent equipment.4.适合异径管件单头扩缩等成型加工需要。
Satisfy the forming requirements of reducing pipe fittings.5.可选择金属模具直接扩缩等成型加工工艺。
Optional: Direct forming by metallic moulds.6.可选择金属模具或聚氨酯材料内胀式成型工艺。
Optional: Forming by metallic moulds and polyurethane through inner expansion.7.特别适合管件内外沟槽的成型加工。
Particularly suitable for tube inside and outside groove forming.8.适合三通四通管件侧孔的预胀型加工。
Suitable for side expansion processing of Tee pipe fitting and Cross pipe fitting.9.*同步技术使成品合格率达到*。
Our patent-simultaneous techniques enables the passing test for finished products reach *.10.成型后管件端部不需要任何修正加工。
It’s unnecessary to polish the pipe end after forming.11.同样适合于碳钢、铜、铝等材料的加工。
This machine also applies to carbon steel, copper, aluminum and other materials. 标签: 丽水市直通成型机 丽水市直通成型机厂家
浙江 丽水市丽水市直通成型机厂家