产品说明: MLS位置传感器 常用型号: MLS1000, MLS2000, MLS5000 产品说明: Sliding the MLS-Sensors along a magnetic scale will produce a sine and a cosine output signal as a function of the *ition. In order to deliver satisfying results, the magnetic sensor material must be saturated. For common scales this condition will be achived as long as the air gap between sensor edge and magnetic scale surface does not exceed half of the pole pitch. As the sensor principle is based on the anisotropic magnetoresistance effect, the signal amplitudes are nearly independent on the magnetic field strength and therefore on air gap variations. In addition, some sensor types integrate over more than one pole in order to improve sensor performance. The sensor detects a magnetic gradient field and is thus almost insensitive to homogenous stray fields. 所属品牌: HLPlanar输出: 16mV/V 量程: -封装:PC板安装 工作温度范围:-40℃~+85℃*度:-供电电源:5V 特点:高分辨率 类型:位置传感器 电气连接:PC板安装 典型应用: 长度测量 资料下载:*** 标签: 北京市mls位置传感器 北京市mls位置传感器厂家
北京市 北京市北京市mls位置传感器厂家