Item 项目 Characteristics 主要特性 Operating Temperature Range 使用温度范围 -40~+105℃ -40~+105℃ -25~+105℃ Voltage Range 额定电压 6.3~100VDC 160~350VDC 400~450VDC Capacitance Tolerance Leakage Current -20%~20%(at 120Hz 20℃) WV≤100 WV>100 I≤0.01CV or 3 uA whihchever is greater(after 2 min) I=0.02CV + 15uA (after 5min) I≤0.03CV or 4 uA whihchever is greater(after 2 min) Dissipation Factor(tanδ) (at 120Hz 20℃)损耗角正切 Add 0.02 per 1000uF for more than 1000 uF itens. WV 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160-250 350-450 tanδ 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.15 0.20 Low temp.lmpedance Stability at 120Hz 低温特性 W.V. 6.3 10 16 25 35 50-100 160 200-350 400 450 Z-25℃/Z+20℃ 5 4 3 2 2 2 3 4 6 10 Z-40℃/Z+20℃ 10 8 6 4 4 3 4 8 - - High Temp.Load Test (after application of the rated Voltage for 1000 hour at 105℃) Leakage Current漏电流 Less than specified value不大于规范值 Capacitance Change 静电容量变化率 Within±20%of intial value初始值的±20%以内 tanδ损耗角正切 Less than 200%of specitfed value不大于规范值的200% High Temp. Non-Load test After 1000 hours no load test, leakage current, capacittance and tanδ are same as High Temp .Load Test value. 小型化标准电解电容器: ■ 标签: 东莞市铝电解电容 东莞市铝电解电容厂家
广东 东莞市东莞市铝电解电容厂家