汽车隔音棉成型模具油循环加温机、隔音棉热压模具传热油加温 油温机的优点是控温范围大,热确定性好,但需发媒介成本,有油污,热传导效率不如水温机,我们*研制的机型,采用进口的板式热交换器,具有结构紧凑,升降温速度快,控温*的优点。
高温油温机(高温300度)/高温模温机特点 1、电脑触摸式控制,分离式电气控制,操作简单易懂。
Characterstic1.Micro-processing co*oller,easy opration.2.Japanese Import microcomputer palr of group P.I.D temperature co*ols the scheduling,touches the type storage,the automatic calculation,s*es above electricity35%.3.The safekeeplng of security and the failue indication system is perfect.4.The import high-quality module,the service life is long.5.Rises to decrease temperature the speed qulckiy the temperature percise is stable.6.The unique double power heats up the design,suits the isothermia not to co*ol the place use,the energy conservation effect is obvious.7.A stainless steel body takes shape,the tube damages slightly,heats up erenly.8.Automatically opening machine and exhaust function. 300℃(度)高温油温机具体参数: 机型 Model 单位Unit AEOT-10 AEOT-20 AEOT-40 温控范围 Co*olrange ℃ 300℃ 300℃ 300℃ 温控精度 Temp.co*olaccuracy ℃ PID±1℃ 电源 Power AC3∮380V 50HZ3P+E(5M) 传热媒体 Heattransfermedium 导热油HEATTRANSFERFLUID 冷却方式 Coolingmethod 间接冷却INDIRECTCOOLING 加热能量 Heatingcapacity KW 12/8 12/24/27 24/36 泵浦马力 Pumppower HP 1 2 4 量大泵浦流量 Max.Pumpfolw L/MIN 70 95 200 冷却水压力 Coolingwaterpressure KG/CM2 4 3 5 *电力消耗 Powersupply KW 储油量 Expansion tank capacity 35 35 35 警报功能 Alertfunction 缺相/缺水/超温/过载 冷却水配管 Coolingwaterpipe INCH 1/2 1/2 1/2 循环水配管 Circulationwaterpipe INCH 3/8*4 3/8*4 (3/8*4)*2 外型尺寸 LxWxH MM 1100*500*900 1100*500*900 1400*550*1200 重量 Weight KG 110 120 150 此机型使用于反应釜控温 反应釜恒温 辊筒控温 辊筒恒温 辊轮加热 硫化机控温 模板加热 轮胎模具恒温 鞋材机械恒温 烘箱恒温 腹膜机械恒温 粘合机恒温等行业 标签: 常州市汽车隔音棉 常州市汽车隔音棉厂家
江苏 常州市常州市汽车隔音棉厂家